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  • Can I use my Ipico, Trident, or Race Result DF systems?"
    For sure! RM integrates with all three DF systems and does not charge and additional fee when using these systems. Simply upload your chip mapping file and good to go.
  • What tags work with RM?
    RM UHF works with RM Pro pre-programmed tags. These tags can be programmed by the timer or purchsed pre-programmed from USST. If you have a Dual Frequency or Active system then RM will use a chip mapping file to work with your existing tags. Additionally, if you have Chronotrack, Ipico UHF, or RaceResult UHF RM PRo will work with these as well but you will still need to use the chips from that manufacturer.
  • How Much Does RM Pro Cost?
    RM Pro Timing Software costs $750 one-time purchase. This unlocks all aspects of the software and includes unlimited number of supported readers. To provide the best possible expereicene a $250 annula charge will turn on customer support and updates.
  • How much do RM Pro UHF tags cost?
    RM Pro UHF tags retail for $0.25 per non-faom tag pre-programmed. Timers also have the option to program thier own tags using a credit system. Credits are purchased at the time of programming the UHF tag. Credits start at $0.10 per and decrease in cost if more credits are purchased.
  • What if i have RaceResult, Chronotrack, or Ipico UHF readers? Can i use them with RM?"
    For sure! Each of these systems use a locked tag but RM will still integrate with them for no per chip charge. Simply connect to RM from the reader middleware and you are all set.
  • How Much does RM Timing Software cost?
    RM Timing Software is $750 per year for the base software. Additional features can be purchased.
  • What is the current delivery time for Trident Readers?
    Due to shipping and parts delays there is a 4-8 week lead time from point of payment for Trident Readers.
  • What chips work with RM Software?
    RM Timing Software uses a locked RM Pro UHF chip. These chips can be purchased for $0.25 on the chips page of the site. RaceResult, IPICO, and all Dual Frequency readers use their own tags.
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